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One of the core area of Kringlebakkens work is to strenghten the network of the women. In this way we seek to prevent social and health related problems that are related to isolation, and which is an everyday condition for many women with minority backgrounds.  


The biggest part of the women of Kringlebakken have left their families and friends in their home countries, and the first years in Denmark are crucial for their future life here. Isolation leads to loneliness, mental stagnation and depression. Aside the fixed activitites in the 'course group' we also offer a range of network creating activities with the aim of strenghtening networks across language- and cultural differences: 


Friday cafe: 

The Friday cafe offers pilates and tension releasing exercises by Stine. We also arranges trips out of the house and activities in house. We celebrate the world's religious festivals such as Eid, Narouz, Christmas and Diwali. Party, socialisation and cultural communication all at the same time. 


Holiday for all: 

During the holidays Kringlebakken offers trips for the women and their children. We have been on lovely trips to the local and neighboring community, visiting Dansekapellet and Bellahøj swimmingpool. We have been to Kronborg castle, Frilandsmusseet (the Open Air Museum) and Dyrehaven (Deer Park). Every year at Christmas time we visit Tivoli and look at the beautiful Christmas decorations.   


The 'network friends' of Kringlebakken - A mentor and a friend

The network friends of Kringebakken is a network and a meeting between ethnic Danish women and women with a different ethnic background. The aim is to strengthen network, empowerment and integration. The difference between mentor and a network friend is that the meeting to a higher extent is defined by the women themselves, and there is the possibility of establishing a real friendship. Some women needs a network friend to practive and develop their Danish skills while others need a person to help and suppport them through their studies. Other women meet to exchange culture and opinions.  





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