Kringlebakken works with women and children with other ethnic backgrounds than Danish
Kringlebakken arbejder med kvinder og børn med anden sproglig og kulturel baggrund end dansk.
Danish lessons
Kringlebakken’s lessons in Danish is a mix of Danish language, introduction to the society and cultural norms and knowledge sharing on health focused on children and women. The users of the house improve their language skills and gained a more nuanced understanding of the Danish society and the rights and obligations that are tied to being a citizen in Denmark.
Our counsellors provide help to many types of requests: contact to caseworkers or unemployment insurance fund, questions about rights and obligations, advice on job and education opportunities. We are supporting and ensuring a correct handling of cases by the department of immigration and accompany users in interviews with Danish authorities.
Kringlebakken organises many activities for women and children that strengthen their feeling of inclusion and citizenship. Our users are part of and establish different types of network, which prevent social isolation that often is connected to moving to a new country.

Kringlebakken modtager Finn Nørgaard Foreningens arbejdslegat
We have said it for a long time at Kringlebakken and researchers approve: The early efforts and work is crucial for a successful integration into the society for women as well as their children. This has been the red thread and underlying principle for our work since our establishment in 1999.